Tuesday, February 20, 2007


The product focus I chose this week is "Night, Night Bear" which is a cloth book that my daughter, Lena, just adores. Well, it may not put Lena to sleep, but it sure did my 6-year old son, Bailey!

Last night as we were going through Bear’s routine and Lena was having fun telling her own story, I look over and there was Bailey…fast asleep! He had been eagerly waiting his turn to tell his own version of "Night, Night Bear" (so I thought!), but…he ended up snoozin’ instead! Then again…I believe Lena ran through it herself a good 3-4 times before Bailey actually fell asleep.

Usually HE is the one reading to HER, so imagine how much of a big girl she felt thinking that she helped her big brother fall asleep!

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